

Public health communication has been under increasing scrutiny, with the rise of misinformation, bad science, and discriminatory priorities exacerbating distrust in medical authorities and scientific experts. Slow, peer-reviewed, and inaccessible literature is failing to to compete with fast-paced, responsive, and readily-available media outlets, making traditional information sources both less respected and effective than they once were.

In response, the KHR aims to reframe what credible health communication is: to be informed and impactful, it must be accessible and representative of the diverse disciplines and identities of the people it desires to reach. In this Summer issue of the KHR, our writers bring unique and righteous perspectives, actualising this radical vision of new and needed forms of health communications.

Image Credit: Sophie Buckely

“Why would someone who lives with chronic pain want more pain?” BDSM as a powerful toolkit to communicate and play with messy pain

Po Ruby

Lost in translation: the unheard needs of patients with communicative differences

Katya Johnes

Reading between the signs: reframing our understanding of [il]literacy

Sara el-Solh